becoming a  

NEM: National 
 Energy Marketers Association

Register for
National Energy Restructuring Conference
NEM Annual Membership Meeting

To be held June 20-21, 2002 in Washington, DC.

Registration  |  Review the Agenda  |  Hotel Information  |  Price List

Members, Please enter your email address here and click SUBMIT. We will try to retrieve your information from our database and fill the form below.

 Registration Information
* - Required fields
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Company Name:
If you did not find your company name above, please enter it below:
New company name:

*Membership Type:

*Choose Payment




 I will pay by credit card
          We will ask for your credit card information in the next page after you click submit.
          Please make sure to enter you contact information

 I will mail a check to:
          National Energy Marketers Association
          3333 K St., NW, Ste. 425, Washington, DC 20007

Security Information

Yes, I will be attending NEM's Capitol Reception in the Senate Hart Office Building (Room: S-216) at 5:30pm on June 20th.

Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:

  I will be joined by the following guest.

Guest's Name:
Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:
For security purposes, the above information is necessary to gain entrance to the US Capitol Building after business hours. It will not be used for any other purpose.
Contact Information
* - Required fields
Daytime Phone:



Zip Code:
Daytime Fax: